
Timelapsing! is an automatic timelapse processor able to completely automate the process of making a timelapse, that includes taking the photos, apply gamma correction and histogram equalization to improve the quality of the photos and finally export the timelapse as an mp4 file with processing and another without.
User Interface
Intuitive user interface to facilitate user experience.

No need of professional cameras
This application is designed to be used with webcams so you can use whatever device you have, so if you have a professional camera you can use it as a webcam as well.
Ready to use
No installation needed, download it and start using it.
What processing is applied to the photos?
The processing applied it's Gamma Correction and CLAHE (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization).
How does the App interface with cameras?
The App it's designed to work with webcams, so as long as your computer recognizes your camera or phone as a webcam it should work you only need to select the correct capture device number.
How do I know my device number?
The default device number it's '0', if you have more than one video capture device you might need to change it. Use the Preview button to test the device number before start.
Support the project
If you like the app and want to help to keep improving it, you can make a donation through PayPal.